BeYou Menstrual Cup

best menstrual cups
Menstrual Cup
inserting and removing cup instructions
Menstrual Cup
bell shaped cup can be inserted using the c fold
Menstrual Cup
soft medium menstrual cup perfect for beginners
Menstrual Cup
best menstrual cups for beginners
Menstrual Cup
different sizes for heavy flow or vaginal birth
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Menstrual Cup
inserting and removing cup instructions
Menstrual Cup
bell shaped cup can be inserted using the c fold
Menstrual Cup
soft medium menstrual cup perfect for beginners
Menstrual Cup
best menstrual cups for beginners
Menstrual Cup
different sizes for heavy flow or vaginal birth

BeYou Menstrual Cup

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No leaks, no worries

The BeYou menstrual cup holds up to 3 tampons worth and can be worn for up to 12 hours. Forget about your period during the day and night.

Ways to fold the cup >

How to insert the cup >

How to remove and clean the cup >

see the difference

Menstrual Cup Overview

Our menstrual cup was designed by listening to feedback from thousands of cup users. The number one wish was having a softer menstrual cup - like ours!

see the difference

Menstrual Cup Overview

Our menstrual cup was designed by listening to feedback from thousands of cup users. The number one wish was having a softer menstrual cup - like ours!

No leaks, safe to use, and WAY better for the environment and your wallet. Once you're used to it you'll wonder why pads and tampons even exist!

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Size Guide

Had children? Under 25 yrs Over 25 yrs
No Medium Large
Yes, Vaginal birth Large Large
Yes, Caesarean Medium Large

FAQ: I'm 25, what do I do?!
If you've not given birth then try the medium cup!

How to use

Follow these steps to insert your cup:

  • Thoroughly wash hands before inserting the cup.
  • Fold the cup in half so it creates a ‘C’ shape.
  • Relax and push the curved edge of the folded cup into the vaginal opening.
  • To remove the cup, relax the pelvic floor muscles, insert a forefinger and thumb inside and take hold of the base of the cup.
  • Pinch the cup to break the seal making sure as to keep the cup pointing upwards
  • Slowly pull the cup out of the vagina and pour any menstrual blood into the toilet.
  • Then rinse the cup under cold water and re-insert.

The BeYou Menstrual Cup can be left in for up to 12 hours. We recommend changing the cup every 4-8 hours. Please be aware, though rare, TSS, is a serious disease caused by toxin-producing strains of the staphylococcus aureus bacterium. In order to prevent TSS, or any other infection, ensure you follow the below cleaning hygiene advice when using your cup.

If you have any more questions feel free to check out our FAQ page

Cleaning your cup

Before using your cup for the time make sure to sanitise it. You can do this via one of the following methods:

  • Boil the menstrual cup in a saucepan for 10 minutes.
  • Place in a microwaveable container, submerged in water for 5 minutes in the microwave. Do not cover the container.

Leave the cup to cool down and then pat dry before using it. Sanitise the cup in between cycles. We recommend cleaning your cup with cold water & the BeYou Foaming Menstrual Cup Cleanser.

What makes our cup different?

So, I was wondering...

  • Can I use a Menstrual Cup if I have an IUD?

    Yes! If you have a Mirena Coil or an IUD you can use a menstrual cup. Many women worry that using a menstrual cup will dislodge their coil. However, the beauty of a menstrual cup is that it sits low in your vaginal canal while the IUD sits in your uterus meaning it won’t interfere with your coil. Read our post on “Can I use a menstrual cup if I have an IUD?” to find out more.
  • Is using the BeYou Menstrual Cup messy?

    Using a cup is no messier than any other sanitary products such as pads and tampons, but we always recommend removing it over the toilet or in the shower. P.S. Many of us have been conditioned to fear our own menstrual blood. Take a moment to really think about how messed up that is. It’s time you took back control of your period and everything it stands for. Okay fine, nobody *really* likes menstrual blood, but it’s totally natural. Just think about the first time you used a pad or a tampon - it’s the same with a menstrual cup. You’ll be used to the differences in no time!
  • What does it feel like once it's inside?

    Just like a tampon, if your cup has been inserted properly then you shouldn’t feel it. You might be able to feel the stem if it’s too long for you. However, you can trim your menstrual cup’s stem by cutting along the lines of the stem. If you can feel the entire cup then the likelihood is that your menstrual cup isn’t the right size, it hasn’t opened properly or it is too low/high in your vaginal canal. There's a reason why menstrual cup users rave about how comfortable they are! As we say though, practice makes perfect.
  • How do I clean my Menstrual Cup in public?

    Because you can wear your cup for up to 12 hours at a time you probably won’t have to even think about your cup while you’re out and about. However, we always advise changing it every 4-6 hours - and if that means you need to change your menstrual cup in a public toilet - rest assured it's REALLY easy! When removing your cup, you can squat down in the cubicle or pop your leg up on the toilet seat and remove your cup as you normally would. Then empty your period blood into the toilet and, using a water bottle, rinse your menstrual cup then wipe it down with toilet paper. Then reinsert it as normal, it’s that easy! If you don’t have your water bottle with you then all you have to do is wipe down your cup with toilet paper making sure there are no bits of tissue stuck to your cup and then reinsert it as normal. P.S. That's why our all-natural foaming cleanser can come in handy too, especially if you're not using a clutch!
  • What is the BeYou Cup made from?

    Our menstrual cup is made from super-soft and flexible medical grade silicone. That makes it a safe material to be inserted inside the vagina and it is kind to all skin types. Why soft? We actually designed our menstrual cup to be softer that others because that was the number 1 piece of feedback after talking to thousands of cup users. Besides, not everything that goes in there should be hard.
  • What size cup do I need?

    In order to determine the right size menstrual cup for you, follow the handy guide below: - If you haven't had children it’s very easy. If you're under 25 years old, get the medium cup, and if you're older than 25 get a large menstrual cup. - If you've had a vaginal birth then get the large menstrual cup. - If you've had a caesarean and under 25 years old, get the medium cup, and if you're older than 25 get a large menstrual cup. We also recommend finding out what your cervix height is to determine which cup size you need. If you have a low cervix the medium cup will fit you best and if you have a high cervix, the larger cup will fit you best. However, you know your body better than anyone else. If you think the medium or large cup would fit your shape better based on your own anatomy and sensitivities then please pick your preferred cup. What if I'm over 25 but only use a small / medium tampon? Tampon sizes are graded by your period flow. If you use medium tampons the likelihood is you have a medium flow. Tampon sizes don’t take into account your anatomy as they don’t create a seal against your vaginal walls, unlike a menstrual cup. If you use small / medium tampons it doesn’t necessarily mean you need a small cup. We find that most people who use small / medium tampons need a medium cup, but we recommend finding out what your cervix height is to determine which cup size you need.
  • Does using a Menstrual Cup hurt?

    Using a menstrual cup shouldn’t hurt at all. That’s the beauty of the BeYou Menstrual Cup - it’s so comfy! However, if your cup is causing you some pain there are a few possible reasons why: You have the wrong size - If your cup is too big or too long it could be sitting too high in your vagina or it’s pressing against your vaginal walls which can cause some discomfort. The stem of your cup is too long - If your vaginal canal is short or you have a low cervix then the stem could be poking your vaginal walls. You can trim your stem by cutting off part of the stem with scissors. Your cup is too high - If your cup is sat too high and hasn’t unfolded properly it could be pressing against your cervix. We recommend making sure your cup sits lower in the vaginal canal and slowly pushing your cup upwards so it is fully inserted. Your cup is too low - If your cup is sat too low in your vaginal canal it can cause some discomfort. To make sure your cup isn’t too low make sure the entire stem of your menstrual cup is completely inserted and your cup isn’t directly at the entrance to your vagina. If you have ANY trouble at all while using a cup just let us know and we’ll help!
  • Can I use a Menstrual Cup if I have a heavy flow?

    Yes, you can! Unlike tampons, menstrual cups don’t absorb your menstrual blood, they collect it. In fact, our cup can hold up to three times the amount of a regular tampon can. Therefore the chances of your cup overflowing are pretty low. However, if you have a particularly heavy flow and are worried about overflowing then all you have to do is change it regularly. We recommend changing your cup every 4-8 hours.
  • Can Menstrual Cups cause pelvic prolapse?

    Like tampons, menstrual cups are completely safe to use when used properly. There have been a couple of recent articles claiming that menstrual cups can cause pelvic prolapse. However, those cases happened because they pulled their menstrual cups out forcefully without breaking the seal first. The vacuum seal that menstrual cups create is really strong - so it stays in place whether you're playing sports, swimming, or jumping around on bouncy castle at a BBQ). It’s important not to pull forcibly on your menstrual cup when removing it - but practice makes perfect. If it's too hard to remove then double check the seal is broken by pinching the base of the cup, or even running a finger along side the rim of the menstrual cup. Check out our post on “Menstrual Cups & Pelvic Prolapse” for more information. We recommend following the instructions that are included with your menstrual cup carefully so that you can correctly and safely insert and remove your cup. We even made sure that our menstrual cup is made of super-soft silicone (so its easier to break the seal) with a flexible stem instead of a ring (so you’re not tempted to put your finger in the hoop and pull it out).
  • Can it get stuck or lost?

    It is impossible for your menstrual cup to become lost or stuck inside you as it cannot travel higher than your cervix. If you go to remove your cup and it feels stuck, remain calm (as panicking may tense the muscles around it) and pinch the base of the menstrual cup to release any suction... then pull out. That makes it sound much scarier than it is, but once you're a cup pro you won't even think about it! The more comfortable you are with your vagina the better - that’s why we always recommend practicing using a cup before you’re even due! Why? Well, it’s only natural to panic if you’re new to cups and think its stuck... while it’s full of blood… and you're alone... and you still want to clean it! Don't worry though, practice makes perfect, and we promise once you get used to it you'll wonder how you managed with pads or tampons!
  • I have Endometriosis, can I use a Menstrual Cup?

    It's a common misconception that you shouldn't use a menstrual cup if you have Endometriosis. In fact, many of our menstrual cup focus group participants have endometriosis and they are now cup converts! Here is what of our participants had to say: "I am quite sensitive due to my endometriosis but I was pleasantly surprised how easy it is to insert! The BeYou Cup is really comfortable and I couldn't feel it at all!” - Emma. That said, if you have endometriosis we recommend that you speak to your trusted medical professional before you use a menstrual cup.
  • How do I clean my Menstrual Cup?

    Before you use your BeYou Menstrual Cup, you must sanitise it by boiling it in a saucepan for 5-10 minutes or in a microwave, submerged in water, for 5 minutes. In between uses, there are a number of different cleaning methods you can use: - Use our BeYou Menstrual Cup Foaming Cleanser. - Boil in an allocated pan 5 -10 minutes. - In a public toilet; use a small bottle of water or simply empty and reinsert it as normal Further information on all cleaning methods can be found in the handy how-to-use guide which comes with the BeYou Menstrual Cup - which by the way, we spent MONTHS refining with the help of first-time menstrual cup users. Also, never use the following to clean your menstrual cup as they may damage the cup or cause vaginal irritation: - Petrol based substances e.g Vaseline - Essential oils - Harsh cleaners - Strong or scented soaps - Dishwasher
  • Can I pee with it in?

    Yes, you can! In fact, you don’t even have to remove it. Your cup will sit inside of your vagina while your urethra sits above your vagina so technically your cup won’t interfere with your pee. However, if you would rather pee or poop without your cup then simply remove your cup before you go to the toilet. Wash your hands as normal, then clean your cup and reinsert it. You might notice that you pee slower when you are using your menstrual cup. This is because your cup might be pushing on your urethra. If you don’t mind peeing a little slower than usual then it’s not a big deal. However, if it’s annoying you we recommend moving your cup slightly higher or lower than usual to make sure your cup isn’t pressing against your urethra.
  • Can I do sports with a Menstrual Cup?

    Yes, you can! The beauty of the BeYou Menstrual Cup is that you can use it no matter what exercise you’re doing. We understand that many swimmers, cyclists, runners and dancers struggle to find sanitary products that are durable and long lasting. However, we made sure you can wear the BeYou Menstrual Cup for up to 12 hours (although we still recommend emptying every 4 hours). Also, the vacuum seal creates a barrier against your vaginal walls which means it’s not going to budge and it’s leak-proof!